Technology, where else?
We want to make young people enthusiastic about technical training again. And where better than at one of the largest technical employers in Noord-Holland? We participate in various regional collaborative projects on technical employment.
In our province, we play a central role in developing context-rich education. In this teaching method, the student is actively and purposefully engaged in processing learning material and connecting it with prior knowledge.

Techport: for innovation and employment
We are part of Techport. This partnership of companies, educational institutions, local authorities and the province is committed to the future of the manufacturing and maintenance industry. Hydrogen, digitisation and women in technology receive extra attention from Techport.
The Jongeren en Technologie Netwerk (Youth and Technology Network, Jet-Net) encourages cooperation between schools and the business community. The objective is to add value to technical education. Context-rich education helps young people understand science subjects and their role in practice. Jet-Net encourages tomorrow's talents to pursue a career in technology.
Techportal is the place for educational makers to let young people enjoy science and technology. It is a collection of all technical educational activities in the province of Noord-Holland. Techportal shares knowledge about developing context-rich education and inspires teachers with best practices and training.

Academy: for a new generation of employees
Every year, a new generation of talents starts their career with us. Our Academy provides nationally recognised vocational training for, among others, process operators, logistics employees and maintenance technicians. The MBO senior vocational education programmes are open to prevocational secondary education (VMBO) and senior general secondary education (HAVO) students, and to MBO students who want to switch. If you opt for a vocational training programme at the Academy, you will learn a relevant trade. After gaining a diploma, you can start working with us immediately. People who do, appreciate this: after ten years, 95% of graduates still work for us.