It is a question we are asked frequently: if you realise the first part of the steel transition to green steel in 2030, does this mean we will have to deal with these emissions for another seven years? A valid, understandable question. The answer is ‘no’. Our company's emissions have decreased, are still decreasing and will continue to decrease significantly in coming years. The Roadmap 2030 and, more recently, the Roadmap Plus programmes are intended to achieve this. All environmental projects are currently being implemented. Some have already been completed.

Our emissions have decreased and will continue to decrease

It is important to emphasise that our measures are yielding tangible results. On this page, you can read more about our emissions and air quality in IJmond. We hone in on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), particulate matter, lead and nitrogen. Our PAH emissions have decreased by 50% in the past four years. And emissions of almost all measurable substances have been decreasing for years. Odour emissions at certain plants have more than halved. These are the facts. The overview of tangible, hard results regarding the decrease of our emissions shows that we are taking our responsibility and keep our promises. Our efforts regularly exceed the statutory obligation and we invest hundreds of millions in the renewal of our company and emission reduction.
Residents' concerns about their health requires our specific attention. According to the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), about a third of the people living in IJmond are concerned about their health due to Tata Steel (Interim results of Health Survey in IJmond | RIVM). We take these concerns seriously and understand them. This is not a hollow phrase, because we ourselves are living here, too. We, too, believe there are lessons to be learned and things to be improved. We are facing a huge challenge. Our ambitions are high. With 9,000 steelworkers we are committed to a future for green steel in a clean environment.