Our lead emissions are also decreasing. We expect a further sharp decrease once the dust removal plant in the Pelletising plant is taken into operation. We are in the process of constructing this additional plant as part of our largest environmental installation ever. We also expect to complete an additional environmental plant at the BOS Plant this year, as well as additional exhaust hoods at the Blast Furnaces. Our aim is to complete everything this year. We expect that this will help reduce lead emissions by approx. 70% (compared to 2019).

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You can see that the air quality in terms of lead has remained at a steady level. It is good to see, however, that the relevant standard is way above the graph. This means that the concentration of lead in the ambient air is much lower than the air quality standard, by about a factor 50. Our aim is, of course, to always continue to decrease lead emissions.
Sources and explanation of data
The MTR has been determined by RIVM based on European Directive 2008/50/EC, which in turn has been determined by taking into account the WHO Air Quality Guidelines. The MTR seeks to protect the ecosystem and people against long-term exposure to a substance.
The data from Duisburg-Walsum are included for comparison with measuring points in residential areas in the vicinity of a steel factory; Duisburg-Walsum is located approx. 1.5 km from ThyssenKrupp. This and ArcelorMittal Ghent are large, integrated production locations for strip steel in Europe which, together with Tata Steel, constitute the top 3 of steel producers in Europe. Data Duisburg-Walsum from Umweltbundesambt, DENW034 measurement station; not clear which measurement station produced the data for Ghent, so left them out.
For reference, average data from urban background locations in Rotterdam have been added (measurement stations in Rotterdam measure lead, no data available for Amsterdam and Groningen), originating from: Lucht in cijfers 2021, luchtkwaliteit in Rijnmond, DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond.