- The difference between iron and steel is the carbon content. If the carbon content is less than 1.9%, it is steel. We produce steel with carbon contents down to 0.045%. And with vacuum heat treatment, we can even go as low as 0.003%. This is called Ultra Low Carbon Steel.
- The large cranes that help us unload the large ships can lift 25 tons in one go. The latest cranes can even handle more than 40 tons.
- Scrap (used iron/steel) is a significant element in the production of new steel. We use it in the BOS Plant to make sure the temperature does not get too high.
- Almost 95% of packaging steel we use in the Netherlands is recycled and made into new steel. This includes, for example, tinned drinks and food, aerosol cans and paint cans. Tinplate is the most recycled packaging material.
- We have been making steel and iron for over 100 years in IJmuiden.
- 98% of all residual and by-products from our production processes are given a new life: They are re-used or sold.
- The longest roll of material we can make in our Hot Rolling Mill is 1,800 metres long if you were to roll it out.
- Steel rusts when it is exposed to oxygen. For that reason, steel is made corrosion-resistant by coating it with, zinc, tin, paint or plastic.
- Did you know that the steel for 5 euro cent coins is made in our Hot Rolling Mill?
- Did you know that the weight of the torpedo waggon in which we transport pig iron with a locomotive in front weighs as much as two Boeing 747s including passengers, crew, luggage and fuel?