Less noise but same level of safety
Noise reduction remains a major concern. Despite many improvements to reduce noise, sounds can certainly be heard in the environment nor can we eliminate it completely. We can, however, do as much as possible to reduce disturbing noises further and further.
Noise is sometimes at odds with safety, as many of our processes use warning signals. We are reducing the noise of our activities as much as possible while staying within safety margins.
Despite our efforts to lower noise, you may still experience noise nuisance. So we will continue working to reduce noise nuisance even further where possible.

Monitoring is essential to be able to take targeted measures to reduce noise nuisance. To that end we installed new monitoring systems at the scrap yard and storage facilities. These provide insight into options for further noise reduction measures.
Current: possible noise from Warmband mill
A number of local residents have reported being bothered by a noise that may be coming from the Warmband mill. We have now started working with a team of specialists to identify the possible source.
Limitation of slab storage activity
When turning slabs of steel, it sometimes happens that a slab falls out of the magnet. To reduce this noise, we only turn slabs during the day. At the scrap yard, we raised the noise wall and built U-shaped compartments as noise protection.
Train noises are part of the noise nuisance. One element is the noise from the railway crossing bells. We are replacing the bells at the crossings around Wijk aan Zee. The new bells adjust to ambient noise, which means they make less noise when things are quiet. The first bells have now been installed. Another measure is lubricating the rails. This reduces train noise in bends and also limits wear. We are investigating whether we can apply this on a large scale.
We have also achieved considerable results in shunting activities. For example, all train waggons now have buffers and we have reduced the number of emergency signals on our locomotives by two thirds.

There are several hundred safety alarms set up at the conveyor belts of raw materials logistics. They warn when a conveyor belt starts running. We have converted all these alarms so that they produce less ambient noise.
Silencers not the desired effect
The three new silencers at the BOS Plant do not have the desired effect yet. We installed the huge devices to muffle the buzzing sound of the exhaust systems. Some noise was reduced, but not the buzzing sound. We continue to look for possibilities to further muffle this sound source.
More information about Roadmap Plus
Our overviews contain more information about the Roadmap Plus and the measures we are taking.
EN - Environment and Living Environment - L2Roadmap Plus mapped out (3D)
Progress report Roadmap Plus 2022
Progress report Roadmap Plus 2022
Overview Roadmap Plus 04-23
Overview Roadmap Plus